Monday, March 31, 2008

Breaking down walls

God laid it on my heart and the hearts of several others that we need to work together and break down walls. As a Christian based organization, Christian HELP has a great responsibility to reach out into the community and be a light. We have to find all possible means to help our clients. We are not a one stop shop for most people. In order to really restore people, we MUST partner with Churches, Businesses, and other non-profits. By networking, communicating, and taking away the fear of competition, we CAN meet the needs of our community.

I am asking you to pray that we can be successful in our mission to draw the community closer. We have an amazing community and some fantastic people inside and outside the church who are on the same page. By coming together, we can educate better, share resources, and help to alleviate pain.

If you want to know more, please e-mail me at

In His Service-


Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Job Fair Today

If you are a job seeker, please join us at the Central Florida Fairgrounds today from 12-4 for a fantastic job fair. We have 97 employers and schools ready to talk to you. Networking is key in your job search and the job fair is a great tool for networking.