Saturday, May 15, 2010

Upcoming Events at Christian HELP

Each month from January to September Christian HELP holds a lunch and tour so you can "Come and See" what God is doing at Christian HELP. The next tour will be June 7th and we would love to have you attend. The lunch starts at noon and ends around 1:00 PM. You can RSVP to

We have the 14th Annual Job fair this week on May 19th Featuring over 70 employers, educational opportunities, and job seeker resources. This is a great way to meet employers face to face. Details and registration are online at

On May 26th at 3:00 PM at the Christian HELP office, we will have our online search tips class with Michael Johnson as the trainer. The class helps job seekers to prepare for job search online.

The next day on May 27th we have our 4th Re-Charge and Re-Energize your job search seminar sponsored by WESH Channel 2. This seminar will help job seekers with interviewing, job search survival, and image. Job seeker resources will be available. Register online at

In July we will have our 3rd Annual Christmas in July event featuring musical entertainment, Melony McKaye from Z88.3 Radio, a Silent Auction, and a Dessert social. All are welcome to attend. Proceeds from the auction benefit the Christian HELP community Christmas Program.

Check our website often for other upcoming events and tell your friends!