Monday, April 30, 2012

Finding jobs, REDUCING HUNGER, providing hope

A week ago I got a new kitten from a friend who runs another local non-profit.  She knew I was looking to adopt a new kitten and she let me know she has 3 who were ready to find new homes.  We selected a little tabby we affectionately call "Katniss" after the main character in the hunger games.  Unlike our other 2 cats, Katniss has turned out to be quite scrappy.  She is into everything and is a ball of energy.  What strikes me the most about her (other than how cute she is) is that she eats every meal like she may not get another one.  Now, I know my friend fed the kittens, but for this one, when the food is out of site she seems to think it wont come back.

Now why am I talking about my kitten?  I am mentioning this because earlier today, Harry, one of our counselors went to the pantry and grabbed a few packages of cheese and crackers.  He said he keeps them in his office for clients and shares them with people who are hungry.  There are people who have a tough time sitting and sharing their story with us because they are so hungry, they can't focus.  Imagine for a moment not knowing where your next meal was coming from.  We have so many people who come in, who don't have to imagine.  They just don't know.

Thankfully, God provides food to Christian HELP for us to share with those in need so they don't have to worry about their next meal.  I have seen people recently at events who have eaten more than I would have expected or squirreled away some food for later.  When one gentleman came up to me after an event and asked me how he could get food from our pantry, it made me stop to realize that people you never imagine are hurting.

No child should have to go hungry is one of our promises we try to keep.  Through the efforts of Christian HELP and the Casselberry Community task force, we are making a dent.  This is not because of our work, but because of the support we receive from community partners and people like you.  I am so thankful to know where my next meal is coming from.  Aren't you?

Katniss at 5 weeks

Thank you for all you do!

Sandi Vidal
Executive Director

Monday, April 9, 2012

Think Big, Don't Limit God

Those words are on my "war" wall as a daily reminder that while some of the projects Christian HELP is looking at taking on are bigger than we are, they are not bigger than God. I am amazed daily as our prayer of asking God to send the right people into our paths is answered over and over again.

As we research potential programs, initiatives, and ways to better connect people with their next job, we are astounded at how the information is coming together so neatly.

Why are we amazed? God already knows the outcome and He is guiding the way.

I can't help but be excited about how God is working through Christian HELP. My personal faith has grown so much over these past 5 years of working at Christian HELP. Over and over again, we see God answer prayer. Not always as fast as we want or the way we want Him to, but He never lets us down.

We encourage your involvement in His work here at Christian HELP. This month we have matching funds available for all donations made. When you donate $1 it becomes 2, $100 becomes $200 and $1000 is $2000. We are able to meet the needs of so many more families with your partnership.

If you have never donated to Christian HELP, I would ask you to consider donating today. If God has put it on your heart, please reach out. You make the difference.

You can donate online at or by mail to 450 Seminola Blvd, Casselberry, FL 32707.

Thank you for being a blessing.

In His service,
