Saturday, May 14, 2011

Providing Hope and Encouragement, Love, and Prayer

When John D'Amelio from CBS Sunday Morning came to Christian HELP he said "This agency is different, and I have been to a lot of agencies." He meant it in a good way. In a time of automated voice mail and take a number mentalities, Christian HELP is truly focused on what matters. Clients, Volunteers, and donors are so important to us. Our team is devoted to making the experience of visiting Christian HELP a good one for anyone who might need our help. Someone said Hope, Encouragement, Love, and Prayer sounds like we just give a hug to the unemployed. In a sense we do, but there is so much more.

What makes us different than other agencies? Is it our book knowledge, degrees and expertise? Is it the combination of our services? Is it our longevity? I believe, we are unique because we live our passion to serve God and others daily. We hold people accountable, but we deliver services in a loving way. We are compassionate, yet tough. We are willing to work with anyone who needs our services, but we expect they will help themselves as much as we help them. We give respect and we expect it in return.

God has blessed us with resources to help job seekers. He brings us volunteers. He uses regular people to accomplish his mission. We are so thankful to be able to lean on Him.

Sometimes people ask if you have to be Christian to come to Christian HELP. The answer is no. We do offer everyone prayer, but we do not force anyone to pray. Our job is to love our neighbors and to help them move forward.

Jackie our Ministry Development Director summarized our services this way:

"We have had 20 years of collecting resources, 20 years of meeting with clients one on one, 20 years of discerning who is looking for hand outs and who is genuinely in need…we move people forward by sowing the seed of the gospel, by EDUCATING those who come to our doors of what resources are in this city and how to go about applying for them AND THEN tracking what tools they have been given and when they return what they have done with these tools.

We continue to feed, we continue to educate, we continue to supply job leads; however our expertise is in providing God’s love to those who are drowning in our society, not judging but providing tangible tools to use to navigate and survive in this environment."

Christian HELP is able to HELP because our desire is to be a light in people's lives when they are walking through the darkness of unemployment, hunger, and despair.

Christian HELP starts with you. To learn more about how to be more involved, come to one of our monthly luncheons and see what we are talking about. The next one is June 6th. For more information, contact

In His Service,

Sandi Vidal
Executive Director