Friday, October 23, 2009

God is in Control and He is Active at Christian HELP

I just wanted to share my speech from Harvest of Hope- here is what God laid on my heart:

My heart breaks every time I walk through a job fair and see professional people dressed in suits looking for jobs… many times looking for any job that will feed their families and keep a roof over their head.

My heart breaks as I listen to the stories of people who have worked hard all their lives who are now facing layoffs, foreclosures, and health issues.

My heart breaks as I listen to people who have no hope for the future because they cannot see past today. The pain and grief of not being able to provide is just too much to bear.

My heart breaks when a client says save the food for someone who needs it more. I can go without…

A year ago, I spoke at the Harvest of Hope when employment was at 6.4% and we thought things were bad. Now it is at 11.5% and I know it is bad for many people who have never had to deal with job loss before. Some are hopeful, but others are paralyzed. We have had clients who came in and could not speak because they were crying so hard.

The one thing that has remained steady and allowed us to remain positive is that God is in control and He is active at Christian HELP.

When Debbie needed help with food and bills after not being able to work for several months due to a sore on her foot caused by diabetes, we couldn’t see how we could help, but God did.

When we were nearly out of food and thought we might have to shut down our pantry, God provided manna from heaven so no one would go without.

When I struggled to figure out how WE were going to provide for so many families at Christmas, God blessed us with more toys than we knew what to do with and we were able to bless other ministries.

God is in control and He is active at Christian HELP.

Christian HELP was formed in 1992 by Dick and Madge Wilson and their friend Harry Kunish. In over 17 years, Christian HELP has connected over 70,000 people with jobs- enough to fill a football stadium and given away over 6 million pounds of food.

In the past year we added Employment seminars, Job search skills classes, and additional training for our counselors to meet the changing dynamics of finding a job in this economy. We opened 3 satellite offices, strategically placed in South, East, and West Orlando to meet people at their point of need, and provided on-site job skills seminars for several churches.

We serve over 70 people a day in our center who are looking for jobs, food, and hope. We provide a listening ear, job leads and food, and offer hope through prayer. Harry, one of our counselors had a client who cried, when he came in, cried during counseling, and cried as he left because he had put out over 2000 resumes with no calls back. A week later he came back to tell Harry that his prayers had worked and he found a job!

God is in control and He is active at Christian HELP.

As we look at 2010 and beyond, we plan to continue to expand our services to meet the needs of our clients. We will have more employment seminars, expand our job search skills classes, and continue to expand our satellite office locations.

We are still battling with space issues and are working on our plans to expand our space.

We will continue to collaborate and work with community partners to be able to provide holistic services to our clients and meet their needs. We will strive to work on solving root cause issues and giving hope to those with no hope.

Where to do you fit in?

Without you, there is no Christian HELP. There is no hope. God uses people like you and me to help others. In 2nd Corinthians 9:8-9 God’s word says 8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
9 As it is written: "He has dispersed abroad, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever."

You may be here today because you are passionate about Christian HELP and want to help in any way you can. You may be here because someone invited you and you wanted to know more. Maybe a friend dragged you kicking and screaming… God makes no mistakes. He wanted you here today.

Please prayerfully consider what God lays on your heart as you participate in the program today. He may give you a thought of where you fit in, or a number you should give. As you consider what he lays on your heart, I pray that you will come alongside us prayerfully and financially to continue this important ministry.

God is in control and He is active at Christian HELP.