Thursday, June 14, 2012

"A Good Job"

I recently read the book "The Coming Jobs War", by Jim Clifton, CEO of the Gallup Organization.  After a worldwide poll, it was discovered the one thing people want above all others is A GOOD JOB.  That was a wake up call even for me, and I live and breathe jobs. 

People want to have meaning, they want to find their place in this big world. They want to have a part in contributing to the bigger picture. For many people jobs are more than just a sense of security, they are their identity.  As I think about my job at Christian HELP, I have to admit that it is a significant part of my life above and beyond the paycheck.  Many times when I want to volunteer or do other things people cannot separate me from my job.

When you get involved with Christian HELP as a volunteer or financial investor, you are helping people to achieve the goal of finding a good job.  Our boot camp starts tonight with a full house of particpants. This is an excitiing program, brought to us by Inez Rodriguez who has given her time and talents to Christian HELP in a big way by allowing us to not only use her materials, but by volunteering to teach, coach, and mentor clients for 6 weeks at a time.  I love not only her commitment, but seeing the results. Many long term job seekers are finding themselves in a good job after completing the program. 

We are in the process of starting a new program geared towards people who are underemployed, or have difficulty holding a job or finding a job.  This 6 class program will give not only job skills, but work on retention as well. It has been a labor of love and research and it is amazing to see it come together.  We need your help to make it a reality.  The initial costs have been underwritten by the Walmart State Giving Foundation, but we will need more funds to be able to administer the program. If you are interested in changing lives and can help with this, please let us know. Sponsorships for students will be $150 and cover all of their materials. You can also "share the cost". 

Fighting hunger and homelessness is a big task and can seemm overwhelming, but as we help peopel get back on their feet, we will see this problem start to diminish. 

Thank you for all you do! You are Christian HELP.
