Monday, December 28, 2009

Hard Times- Huge Blessings

Christian HELP was blessed to be able to serve over 500 families for Christmas and help additional families through 13 other partnering agencies from Homeless Ministries to United Cerebral Palsy and the Greater Orlando Autism Society. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated toys and donated finances. This was a really tough year for so many people and we were so blessed to be able to make things a little bit easier for so many.

One Adopter said, " I just wanted to say thank you for having a program to help people in need. We were blessed to adopt a lady and and her grandchildren. We have meet with her twice to deliver the tree & decorations and then this past Friday my husband meet her to deliver the gifts. After meeting my husband, she called me crying and so telling me how thankful she was to have us. We asked her not to tell her grandchildren about us so one day in their little lives they can truly be blessed."

Our prayer for 2010 is for more job oppportunities for our clients and your continued involvement in our ministry. If you have not been out to see us, please consider joining us for a lunch and tour on January 11th from noon-1. Let Jackie know at 407-8340-4022 if you can make it.

Have a safe and wonderful new year!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Is it Christmas yet?

This year is seems like Christmas started in October. The stores were dressed to the hilt with ornaments and lights, Christmas trees were decorated before the pumpkins and costumes were even hauled away.

For those in need, it can be a reminder of how their dollars wont be able to stretch to cover more than just expenses if even those. At Christian HELP we are blessed thanks to our friends and neighbors, churches, and businesses to be able to fill in the gaps for many unemployed and underemployed families. Each year Z88.3 partners with Christian HELP to tell the stories of families who have applied to our Christmas adoption program. This year they are sponsoring the bags for food and toys as well. Chick-fil-a, Centra Care, and Qdoba are Dove Tree locations. Northland, Willow Creek, First Baptist Longwood, Aloma Baptist Church, Brush Arbor Baptist Church, Metro Church, and Wekiva Presbyterian are challenging their congregations to help others in need through toy collections. Master's Academy is helping with toy and food drives. Ipod and Noah's Ark are providing storage space. And there are so many more businesses, churches, and volunteers who are a big part of this program.

I am so thankful for all of the people who step forward and say "I am here, send me". There is still room for you to help out. Please call us at 407-834-4022 if you would like to be a part of blessing others through Christian HELP.

Last year I worried that we would not have enough toys. Dick Wilson, Founder of Christian HELP kept reminding me that God was in control and there would be enough. He was so right. This year, I know God will take care of the need through people like you. Be blessed!