Monday, November 28, 2011

60 Minutes - how we are helping

Last night 60 minutes aired a heartbreaking story about families living in their cars. This unfortunate reality is happening nightly in Central Florida and other places. We have been hit hard by long term unemployment and the housing market bubble bursting. There are jobs out there, but the competition is high and those who have skills that are not in demand are left out in the cold as well as many who are uneducated and unskilled.

In March, Christian HELP with many others in the community formed the Casselberry community task force to support the schools and help families in need. Since that time, over 35 churches, businesses and individuals have joined in the fight to prevent homlessness and hunger. Below is an excerpt of an interview we had with Fox Orlando.

Community helping homeless kids in Seminole County :

To see the CBS Overtime report which includes the task force, click this link: Everyone Can do Something.

Together we can make a difference in our own communities. Thank you for making a difference through Christian HELP and the Task Force.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Client Testimonial Video

Since this video was recorded, Peter started a job at Campus Crusade. This was an answer to prayer. The struggles of the unemployed are real. They hurt. We have to continue to come together as a community to love our neighbors and help them in their time of need. Janes 2:14-2:17 has been on our hearts as we see so many of our neighbors work so hard to find employment. Thank you for helping them through Christian HELP.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I have a dream

In 1963 Martin Luther King stood at the Lincoln Memorial and shared his dream for our nation. He shared a dream of equality and not judging people by the color of their skin, but by their character. I too have a dream. I dream that the community will rise up to support their own. That neighbor will love neighbor and that no child will go hungry. I dream of a day when once again everyone who is looking for a job can find one. I dream of eliminating poverty (and yes, I do know Jesus said the poor will always be among us), and I dream we the people, we the church, we the community will care for our own. I hope this is your dream as well. Imagine each one of us in this room knowing we had a part in such positive change.

The number one cause of poverty and homelessness is unemployment. We can’t wait for the Government to figure out how to solve the problems of poverty. We have to work together to solve them ourselves. Crisis and Disasters often bring us together to solve problems around us. 60 minutes brought attention to a crisis in our community back in March when they showcased the problems of homelessness and hunger amongst children in our community. At Christian HELP we responded to this crisis, by working together with the community to form a task force in Casselberry working with the schools to eradicate hunger and homelessness. Eight months later, we are making a difference every day in the lives of children and their families who are in need. This has been a true collaborative effort between churches, businesses, individuals, non-profits, and the schools. By looking at not just feeding the problem, but working with the families, we can see people move ahead. Helping people is messy and it doesn’t always work out the way you want it to, but helping people is good for everyone involved.

When Ben and Mindy needed help, they reached out to Casselberry Elementary. The school reached out to a church, Aloma Methodist, they helped them to get out of their car and into a hotel. We joined in the fight and helped Ben and Mindy move into their new place. Ben is now working 2 jobs and trying to make ends meet. Their story is not over yet, but it is a great testimony to how working together we can change lives for the better.

When John D'Amelio from CBS Sunday Morning came to Christian HELP he said "This agency is different, and I have been to a lot of agencies." He meant it in a good way. In a time of automated voice mail and take a number mentalities, Christian HELP is truly focused on what matters. Clients, Volunteers, and donors are so important to us. Our team is devoted to making the experience of visiting Christian HELP a good one for anyone who might need our help. Someone said Hope, Encouragement, Love, and Prayer sounds like we just give a hug to the unemployed. In a sense we do, but there is so much more.

What makes us different than other agencies? Is it our book knowledge, degrees and expertise? Is it the combination of our services? Is it our longevity? We are unique because we live our passion to serve God and others daily. We hold people accountable, but we deliver services in a loving way. We are compassionate, yet tough. We are willing to work with anyone who needs our services, but we expect they will help themselves as much as we help them. We give respect and we expect it in return. Our goal is to equip and empower and not to enable.

Jackie our Ministry Development Director summarized our services this way: "We have had 20 years of collecting resources, 20 years of meeting with clients one on one, 20 years of discerning who is looking for hand outs and who is genuinely in need.

With your help, we continue to feed, we continue to educate, we continue to supply job leads; however our expertise is in providing God's love to those who are drowning in our society, not judging but providing tangible tools to use to navigate and survive in this environment." Christian HELP is able to HELP because our desire is to be a light in people's lives when they are walking through the darkness of unemployment, hunger, and despair.

You are Christian HELP. It is your prayers, your talents, your passion, and your commitment that brings hope to the hopeless and makes a way for people to see there are good people out there who really do want to help.

I have a dream that there will be no more men with cardboard signs on the street that say “will work for food”. I have a dream that parents will not have to choose between eating and paying rent. I have dream that no child will have to say “mommy, I am hungry.” I have a dream that more employers will say, “you are hired”. Will you join me in this dream?

Together we can dream of a brighter future. We can dream about creating a strong community. We can dream about a time when tummies are filled and everyone has a place to call home.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

To whom much is given...

Much is required...

A biblical truth that can sometimes be scary if you don't handle responsibility well. The parable of the talents teaches us that obedience results in the reward of even more responsibility. Why am I talking about this? God continues to bless Christian HELP. Through people like you, we have learned that if we are good stewards of what we are blessed with, God gives us more.

If we handle a few clients well, God gives us more. If we handle food well, God blesses. If we handle our finances well, God meets all of our needs. He does this through people. We are so thankful for all of the referrals, the food drives, and the donations we receive.

Did you know that just $15 can keep a family of four fed for a week? Imagine being like Stacy who is a single mom after her husband decided he didn't want to be married anymore and now she has to find a full time job. She works part time at a department store making just over $8.00 and hour and worries that she will lose her home. Because they are not divorced yet, she is not getting child support. We can help with job search and food because someone cared enough to help.

Your donations make a difference in the lives of people who are struggling. Some have never been unemployed before. Some have been struggling for awhile because their career choice no longer exists. Some work 40+ hours for commission and barely bring home enough for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

When we help people find jobs and get back on their feet, we not only feel good about it, but it contributes to a healthy economy for all of us. We are at a time right now where unemployment is standing still, benefits are being cut, and people who have never reached out for help or relied on "the system" are in need.

Please consider making a donation to Christian HELP for our monthly "fruits and Veggies" giving program. This program keeps job seekers and their families fed with healthy items while they are looking for work.

Thank you for all of your prayers and your help.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Where do I park?

The past couple of days I have had meetings in the morning. This causes me to come into the office after counseling hours have started. The biggest problem with this is that I have to circle the parking lot to find a space. Our busiest time of the year has not even started yet. I am not one to complain, but our building is too small to do all the services we do, 3 of our staff members office from home, and the conference room is a multi function room. We have to close down our computer lab and classes in December so we have the space for Christmas, and our pantry has no place for people to move. We could do so much more if we had the space to do it in. One volunteer recently equated the food pantry line coming out the door to the bread lines of the great depression. Fortunately, our food resources are much better than they were then.

So I say all of this to say we need more space. Space takes money. Our board has opted not to borrow money for a larger space which means we need to raise the dollars through individual donors and possibly some foundation grants. If you would be interested in helping us to find ways to expand, please e-mail me at Our services make a real difference for job seekers, for the underemployed, and for people in need.

Thank you for your prayers and support.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moving forward

I remember reading a post on facebook from a client who was unhappy with us. I responded to her privately and asked her how we could fix the situation. It turned out that she had just been having a really bad day and was not prepared for the feedback the counselor had given her. I spent some time working with her on her job search as did some of the other counselors. As she came in several times over her 18month search, we began to call her a friend.

We were so thrilled when the bell rang up front (our symbol of someone landing a job) as she shared that not only was her search over, but she would be making her previous salary. This lady went through some tough times. She nearly lost her home, she lost her mom, and she was just lost. We were so happy to be able to be there for her.

This is something we could not do with out you. It is through the support of our donors including those in our "Fruits and Veggies monthly giving program" that help women like our client, sustain while they job search. Being able to have fruits and vegetables is such a blessing for families in need.

At Christmas in July, we honored some of our Fruits and Veggies monthly givers. After the event, S came up to me and asked how she too could join the club.

It is because of your prayers and support we are able to see clients move forward and give back.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Closer than you think

Yesterday I had an opportunity to share about how we are working together with the community of Casselberry to end hunger and homelessness and break the cycle of poverty in the city. As part of a task force of over 30 members we are taking action to meet the immediate and long term needs of the families of Cassleberry Elementary and the surrounding area.

I was speaking to a group of Rotarians and they had some great questioned for me. At one point Beth Davalos of Families in Transition said that many families would rather live in a hotel than move in with friends. I took this opportunity to make it personal. Over the past year I have known families who have had their homes foreclosed on (one was renting and the homeowner did not pay the mortgage), lost their jobs or had hours cut and had to move quickly. We even had family friends move in with us for 4 months.

I can tell you these families are not lazy, for the most part they didn't make bad choices, they were just going along in their lives and became victims of a rather brutal economy.

Over 1 million people in Florida are unemployed. We have the 3rd highest unemployment in the NATION. People want to work. They want full time jobs with benefits that will keep them from losing their homes, their health, and in some cases their families.

Christian HELP is committed to really helping people move forward. We want to provide a safe environment for our clients to share their stories, shed their tears, and get the resources they need.

Thank you for your support. We still need you to help us HELP them.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Providing Hope and Encouragement, Love, and Prayer

When John D'Amelio from CBS Sunday Morning came to Christian HELP he said "This agency is different, and I have been to a lot of agencies." He meant it in a good way. In a time of automated voice mail and take a number mentalities, Christian HELP is truly focused on what matters. Clients, Volunteers, and donors are so important to us. Our team is devoted to making the experience of visiting Christian HELP a good one for anyone who might need our help. Someone said Hope, Encouragement, Love, and Prayer sounds like we just give a hug to the unemployed. In a sense we do, but there is so much more.

What makes us different than other agencies? Is it our book knowledge, degrees and expertise? Is it the combination of our services? Is it our longevity? I believe, we are unique because we live our passion to serve God and others daily. We hold people accountable, but we deliver services in a loving way. We are compassionate, yet tough. We are willing to work with anyone who needs our services, but we expect they will help themselves as much as we help them. We give respect and we expect it in return.

God has blessed us with resources to help job seekers. He brings us volunteers. He uses regular people to accomplish his mission. We are so thankful to be able to lean on Him.

Sometimes people ask if you have to be Christian to come to Christian HELP. The answer is no. We do offer everyone prayer, but we do not force anyone to pray. Our job is to love our neighbors and to help them move forward.

Jackie our Ministry Development Director summarized our services this way:

"We have had 20 years of collecting resources, 20 years of meeting with clients one on one, 20 years of discerning who is looking for hand outs and who is genuinely in need…we move people forward by sowing the seed of the gospel, by EDUCATING those who come to our doors of what resources are in this city and how to go about applying for them AND THEN tracking what tools they have been given and when they return what they have done with these tools.

We continue to feed, we continue to educate, we continue to supply job leads; however our expertise is in providing God’s love to those who are drowning in our society, not judging but providing tangible tools to use to navigate and survive in this environment."

Christian HELP is able to HELP because our desire is to be a light in people's lives when they are walking through the darkness of unemployment, hunger, and despair.

Christian HELP starts with you. To learn more about how to be more involved, come to one of our monthly luncheons and see what we are talking about. The next one is June 6th. For more information, contact

In His Service,

Sandi Vidal
Executive Director

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Legacy Remembered

Recently one of our founders went on to Heaven. Madge Wilson started the food pantry for Christian HELP back in the early days of the ministry. She stepped out on faith, and along with her husband Dick, heeded a call by God to leave the retail gift business and go into ministry.

She battled with diabetes all her life. Diagnosed at age 6, she would later have a kidney transplant. While her body was not so healthy, her spirit and work ethic were. Madge made sure the pantry ran smoothly, everything had a place, there was a rhyme and reason for why things were done the way they were.

A meticulous record keeper, Madge made sure things were done fair and equitably. She made sure the employees and volunteers were good stewards of all that came in. Clients were always put ahead of everyone else.

One of the things that struck me when I came was the loyalty of the volunteers who worked in the pantry. We have volunteers who have been with Madge since the beginning. Gwen, Eva, Miss Annie May, John, and Ron have all been volunteers for years and they have been fiercely loyal to her.

I love that. I love that her legacy will live on. The building is named in her honor, and donations that have come in will be used to upgrade some of our freezers with a brand new one. She would have liked that.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

CFEC/Christian HELP on CBS Sunday Morning

Christian HELP/CFEC was recently used as the backdrop for this CBS Sunday morning story on unemployment over 50.

•The national unemployment rate is currently 8.8%, the lowest it has been since March 2009; however, Florida still lingers behind

•Florida, currently, holds the 3rd worst unemployment rate in the country at 11.5%

•In the past month, approximately 23,000 jobs were added in the customer service and hospitality industry

•Recent job reports reveal the average unemployment time period increased in March to 39 weeks

•Laid off workers under the age of 34 have a 36% chance of finding a new job within a year; in their 50’s, it’s only 24%, and past 62, just 18%.

•Christian HELP holds job fairs in Orlando every two months. During the most recent job fair, over 2,000 job seekers showed up in search of employment

•Despite improving job data, older unemployed workers are having more trouble finding work, as companies favor less-experienced, cheaper candidates. Tracy Smith looks into what it takes to find a job for an unemployed baby boomer

•Statistically, persons 50 and older are less likely to be laid off…

•In joint study from Boston College and Rutgers, researchers discovered that a growing number of people over 50 are involuntarily working part time jobs or just quit looking for jobs.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Are you Re-Charged and Re-Energized?

One hundred and fifty people gathered at First Baptist Longwood for Christian HELP/CFEC's Re-Charge and Re-Energize your job search seminar. Most of the group were seasoned professionals and many were out of work over 6 months.

The participants were given information on creating a job search plan, networking, branding, using the Business Journal as a job search tool, and becoming the best possible you. Dipasqua Enterprises/Subway generously provided sandwiches for the event. Z88.3 positive hits brought the van and provided music during lunch.

Over and over again, people thanked us for putting the seminar on. They came in not knowing if it would be worth it to give up a sunny Saturday to spend time with us. Volunteers came out to offer resume assistance and just guidance through the day. I was so blessed at the generosity in the room.

I watched as Lisa Maile ( stayed and talked with every single person in line without rushing a single person. They were important to her and got her undivided attention. One lady was in need of dental work and Lisa gave her some information to follow up on.

I love these seminars because they give people great information to use in their job search and just have a positive feel. One of the volunteers told me she could just feel the compassion in the room from the team at Christian HELP and our volunteer family.

My prayer is the people who were there will take the information they learned and apply it to get a job. One of the volunteers told me he learned how important networking was when he saw a colleague land a job faster than he did because he was well networked.

At Christian HELP we work to equip and empower people to get jobs. We are not a staffing company and we don't send people off to work when they come in, but we teach them how to find a position on their own and give then job leads and help secure better resumes. By teaching people what they needs to know, they can know it was through their efforts they are landing their next job.

Until next time-

Sandi Vidal
Executive Director

Thursday, March 10, 2011

When the need becomes public

Last Sunday 60 minutes showed the nation that homelessness is local to Central Florida. It is not just the man on the street with the scruffy beard. The man portrayed has a family to feed and needs a roof over his head.

If you did not see it

It was estimated 25% of children are living in poverty. The middle class is shrinking. How do we make it stop? What can we do to fix it? How did this happen?

In 2008 we saw the beginning of the "great recession". At Christian HELP we were shouting from the rooftops as families moved into their cars as their houses and rental properties were foreclosed on. People lost everything when they lost their jobs. Some even took their own lives.

We have been working very hard to tackle the root cause of the problem- unemployment. We are teaching people how to be more competitive and how to network. Our classes go beyond the basics to teach the secrets of navigating online applications and how to interview. Our employment seminars are well attended and help to re-charge and re-energize the weary.

We are a small fish in a big pond. The need is tremendous and the resources are not. We continue to press on and do more. We inform, we advocate, and we do all we can to keep people from falling through the cracks.

We need people like you to invest in the long term solutions. In 19 years, Christian HELP has connected over 78,000 people with jobs and given away over 6.8 million pounds of food.

We have been recognized since 1999 as the most effective permanent placement agency in Central Florida. The White House and Manhattan Institute have recognized our efforts.

How can you help?

Send us your job leads
Do food drives
Re-tweet and re-post from our facebook and twitter pages
Become and ambassador and an advocate for the unemployed
With your finances- dollars are matched in March and April. Donate online at
and most importantly with your prayers.

The media hype will eventually go away, but people will always need jobs.

Thank you for HELPing us HELP the community.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Re-Charge and Re-Energize your Job Search

It has been said the best social program is getting someone a job. It sounds simple, but in this economic climate it is easier said than done. As an HR Professional with over 15 years of recruiting and hiring experience it is difficult to watch people struggle to find a job. It is even more difficult to watch dreams crash down around someone and families suffer from the stress unemployment causes.

One of our clients after being let go from her employer of 17 years, just sat in the company parking lot and cried. Her whole world had been rocked. Now 18 months later she is looking at foreclosure and wouldn’t have food on her table if it was not for the resources she finds at the Christian HELP pantry. She had an interview last week and hopefully things will turn around.

Many people are paralyzed when they lose their jobs. They have never had to search online. They might now have to change careers after years of doing the same thing. Their social circles made up mostly of people they worked with, now are not as accepting of them. It is like they have a disease and maybe the remaining few might catch it. They are alone and they need help.

Christian HELP and the Central Florida Employment Council (CFEC) are devoted to equipping and empowering people to find jobs while helping to provide for their families. Through one-on-one employment counseling, resume assistance, job skills training, job fairs, an online job board, and our “Re-Charge and Re-Energize” your job search series seminars in the community. Additionally, a 2000 square foot food pantry helps families to not have to choose between rent and food.

We are hosting our Re-Charge and Re-Energize your job search seminar on Saturday April 2, 2011 at First Baptist Longwood from 9 AM- 2 PM. This job search series is free to the public to attend and will provide not only solid teaching on job search success skills, but networking opportunities as well.

We are looking for sponsors for this event and donations of promotional products and free or discounted coupons for approximately 200 guests. If you would be interested in sponsorship please call 407-834-4223 or e-mail If you would like to provide promotional products or coupons, please e-mail or call 407-834-4022.

Thank you for your support of Central Florida’s Unemployed.


Sandi Vidal
Executive Director

Monday, February 14, 2011

Love your neighbor

Today is Valentine's day as every retailer will remind us. A day of hearts and candy, flowers, and cute little stuffed animals. For some, Valentine's day is a lonely reminder that they do not have a "special someone" in their lives. My son reminded me that is is also single awareness day. At 12, I am not too worried he will grow up and end up alone.

The good news is that we are never alone. John 3:16 reminds us that God loved us so much that He sent His only son to die for us. That is a powerful kind of love. God knows each one of us as an individual and His love is beyond our comprehension or explanation. The even better news is we can rest in it and be assured of our salvation if we love Him and accept his love in our lives.

Today is also a good reminder we should love our neighbors. Many of our neighbors are in need. One client at Christian HELP answered a recent survey question "What brought you here today" with the simple word- HUNGER. That is profound.

In a country with so much, in a world with great resources, our friends and neighbors are hungry. Hungry for food. Hungry for acceptance. Hungry for love.

Help us this week to show love to people who are experiencing loneliness and hunger, by supporting a family in need for just one week. Your donation of $15.00 will help a family to have groceries including fruits and veggies and meat for this week.

You can donate online at

Thank you for making a difference.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our cup runneth over

Usually when you talk about your cup running over it is with blessings. Christian HELP is certainly blessed beyond measure. God never ceases to amaze us. This year seems just a little different. We are really starting to feel the crunch. The crunch of wearing many hats, working too many hours, not having an ounce of space to put another person. We feel the tug of our hearts as we moved to an appointment based system just to keep a little control of the flow of people coming in. We hurt when we don't have room for all the volunteers we really want and need to move to the next level.

What is God telling us? This year I keep telling people He is moving our cheese. He is pushing us out of our comfort zone and preparing us for new things. It is exciting and scary all at once.

We are looking at building or moving. We want to expand our services and classes. We are forming new partnerships... but at the same time, we are at capacity. I serve at another non-profit where the new mantra is to maintain and sustain instead of to expand and grow. For us the demand is too high to maintain.

Not only do people need jobs, they need food, they need finances, and they need hope. No matter how busy we get, we always stop to pray and remember who is in control. God has a plan. We may not see the big picture yet, but He does. We always need to make sure we keep our cup filled with His blessings by following His commandments and obeying His will.

Yesterday I listened to John Rivers of 4 Rivers Smokehouse talking about seeking, listening and obeying. We may feel the crunch, but we will still trust and obey.
