Monday, February 14, 2011

Love your neighbor

Today is Valentine's day as every retailer will remind us. A day of hearts and candy, flowers, and cute little stuffed animals. For some, Valentine's day is a lonely reminder that they do not have a "special someone" in their lives. My son reminded me that is is also single awareness day. At 12, I am not too worried he will grow up and end up alone.

The good news is that we are never alone. John 3:16 reminds us that God loved us so much that He sent His only son to die for us. That is a powerful kind of love. God knows each one of us as an individual and His love is beyond our comprehension or explanation. The even better news is we can rest in it and be assured of our salvation if we love Him and accept his love in our lives.

Today is also a good reminder we should love our neighbors. Many of our neighbors are in need. One client at Christian HELP answered a recent survey question "What brought you here today" with the simple word- HUNGER. That is profound.

In a country with so much, in a world with great resources, our friends and neighbors are hungry. Hungry for food. Hungry for acceptance. Hungry for love.

Help us this week to show love to people who are experiencing loneliness and hunger, by supporting a family in need for just one week. Your donation of $15.00 will help a family to have groceries including fruits and veggies and meat for this week.

You can donate online at

Thank you for making a difference.