About 3 weeks ago I woke up one morning with a searing pain in my shoulder and my arm. The trooper that I am, I went to a walk in clinic where I was diagnosed with a muscle spasm, told to put heat on it and given some pills to relax the spasm. A week later I was in the emergency room crying because the pain was so bad. I tell you this not to make you feel bad for me, but just to share the lessons that I have learned.
I am going through some different treatments now for what has found to be 2 herniated disks and a pinched nerve. I am still working full force and trying to put my best game face on. I have learned though that I need to slow down. This has given me time to reflect on what is important to me.
So onto the lessons-
1. If you are blessed by helping others, you have to allow others to bless you by helping you. I can work on 3 projects at a time, but I cannot carry my computer or peel an orange. At first I felt like a burden asking for people to help me with such simple things, but I have found that they really don't mind helping at all, Barbara my assistant KNOWS I need her in order to be able to eat an orange. (I need her for many other things too- she is awesome and keeps me straight). Moral here- allow others to be blessed by helping you.
2. I am behind on everything. I am not used to this. I am very organized and like to have everything done by the time I go to sleep each night. Two times recently, someone has come into my office and said are you busy. The answer both times was overwhelmed and yes. Both times though God laid it on my heart to stop what I was doing and make time for the clients. One was Harry's client- a professional lady doing everything right in her job search. We spent time talking and praying together. I was so blessed to meet her and try to help. The second was today when Gretchen Kerr brought in 2 lovely young ladies who needed some extra special care. I was able to share tips with them, help them with food, and again take time to pray with them. God has still made time for me to get all of the important things done!
How grateful I am that God has slowed me down a little so I can smell the roses. My kids have been amazing in helping me around the house, my co-workers have helped me at every turn. Dick Wilson, our founder took on a grant request with our grant writer and got it pushed out in a couple of days. God is so amazing even in our times of pain, hurt, and despair He is here for us, listening to us, caring for us and loving us.
While I pray for healing for myself and all of the Christian HELP family who are suffering from ailments, I rest on the peace that this is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Please keep us in your prayers, continue to bless others, and allow others to bless you.