Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Be still and know...

Psalm 46 is a great psalm to read when you are experiencing times of trouble. One of my favorite verses is verse 10. I truly believe God speaks to me when I stop and listen to Him. It is so important to know that when we are experiencing trials, He is with us. The bible tells us that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. The problem is we don't always listen. I know without a doubt that if i think for a minute that I am in charge here or in my life, God will let me try to handle things on my own. If I turn to Him and follow His guidings, He always blesses. Not always the way I think He should, but the way He knows it should be. I just have to remember to take time out of my busy day to be still and know that He is God and he is my strength.

Every day at Christian HELP we meet people who are going through really tough times. They have lost jobs, health, homes, and sometimes even loved ones. We can provide a listening ear, coaching and job leads, food to keep them full, but most of all we can pray for their needs.

Sometimes we just need to spend time alone in prayer and ask God to guide our steps as we search for a job or move on to the next steps of our lives. Know that He is listening.

We are so thankful for all of the prayer warriors out there praying for the Christian HELP team.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Relying on God

Helping people can be tough. The needs are diverse and many times much bigger than one person or one agency can handle. Throw in a wrench like losing a contributing grocery store to a change in company policy or a supporting church to declining donations and it becomes harder. The good news is God is in control and He always provides.

Tomorrow I am speaking about trends in the economy and hiring. In May Central Florida lost 135,000 jobs and unemployment is still in the double digits at 11.1%. We are desparately trying to find a silver lining in the economy and an end to all of the tough times.

You are still providing hope, encouragement, love, and prayer to the unemployed. Still providing job seekers with job leads, coaching, skills classes, and free resumes. The pantry may have less some days, but like the loaves and fishes, God stretches what we have and you provide the prayers and the means.

I am encouraged every time a job seeker lands a job. Every time someone gives us good news and lets us know how much your support of Christian HELP helped them. We recently profiled James in our e-newletter. At 59, he thought he would never land a job, but HE DID. He is now on his way back to stability. There are so many others who have landed jobs and we celebrate.

Our work is not done. It is through you and others like you, God provides for Christian HELP. Thank you for your support.

I hope you will join us at Christmas in July on the 23rd. It is certain to be a great event!

Be blessed,
