Yesterday I had an opportunity to share about how we are working together with the community of Casselberry to end hunger and homelessness and break the cycle of poverty in the city. As part of a task force of over 30 members we are taking action to meet the immediate and long term needs of the families of Cassleberry Elementary and the surrounding area.
I was speaking to a group of Rotarians and they had some great questioned for me. At one point Beth Davalos of Families in Transition said that many families would rather live in a hotel than move in with friends. I took this opportunity to make it personal. Over the past year I have known families who have had their homes foreclosed on (one was renting and the homeowner did not pay the mortgage), lost their jobs or had hours cut and had to move quickly. We even had family friends move in with us for 4 months.
I can tell you these families are not lazy, for the most part they didn't make bad choices, they were just going along in their lives and became victims of a rather brutal economy.
Over 1 million people in Florida are unemployed. We have the 3rd highest unemployment in the NATION. People want to work. They want full time jobs with benefits that will keep them from losing their homes, their health, and in some cases their families.
Christian HELP is committed to really helping people move forward. We want to provide a safe environment for our clients to share their stories, shed their tears, and get the resources they need.
Thank you for your support. We still need you to help us HELP them.