Last night 60 minutes aired a heartbreaking story about families living in their cars. This unfortunate reality is happening nightly in Central Florida and other places. We have been hit hard by long term unemployment and the housing market bubble bursting. There are jobs out there, but the competition is high and those who have skills that are not in demand are left out in the cold as well as many who are uneducated and unskilled.
In March, Christian HELP with many others in the community formed the Casselberry community task force to support the schools and help families in need. Since that time, over 35 churches, businesses and individuals have joined in the fight to prevent homlessness and hunger. Below is an excerpt of an interview we had with Fox Orlando.
To see the CBS Overtime report which includes the task force, click this link: Everyone Can do Something.
Together we can make a difference in our own communities. Thank you for making a difference through Christian HELP and the Task Force.
In March, Christian HELP with many others in the community formed the Casselberry community task force to support the schools and help families in need. Since that time, over 35 churches, businesses and individuals have joined in the fight to prevent homlessness and hunger. Below is an excerpt of an interview we had with Fox Orlando.
Community helping homeless kids in Seminole County :
To see the CBS Overtime report which includes the task force, click this link: Everyone Can do Something.
Together we can make a difference in our own communities. Thank you for making a difference through Christian HELP and the Task Force.