Friday, March 9, 2012

Christian HELP Rejoices in God’s Presence at 20th Birthday Celebration

From the beginning of time, God has always showed up in powerful ways in the lives of His beloved creation. We are precious to Him. Always have been and always will be.

When God’s Son, Jesus, was born into the world and became man, God drew even closer to humanity. Jesus expressed His deep, deep love when He declared: “I have called you friends.” (John 15:15). Imagine that! Friendship with God’s own Son for everyone who will reach out to the Savior who forgives our sins and provides eternity in heaven for every single believer. Now that’s a gift, my friends…

Over the past 20 years, Christian HELP has taken up special residence in the hearts of Central Floridians, time and again showing up in the lives of thousands by providing help, encouragement, God’s powerful love, and prayer for those who are walking though the difficult journey of trying circumstances. As these men and women suffer, often finding themselves without adequate housing, employment, food, or even a ray of hope, Christian HELP steps in and compassionately reaches out like Jesus did, meeting each individual right where they are through careful listening, wise counsel, attentive prayer, and multi-faceted practical help. It’s Christian HELP that really helps.

When we take time to look more closely at the story of Jesus in the New Testament, we see for ourselves God’s Son in action. In these pages, Jesus unfailingly feeds the hungry, heals all manner of sickness, and consistently provides direction and forgiveness to those who yearn for His touch. We even see Jesus showing up in times of celebration, like when He attended a wedding and miraculously transformed water into wine.

Christian HELP models its own outreach initiatives in similar fashion. When people who need a job don’t have enough food to eat, Christian HELP loses no time opening up its Food Pantry to pour out a blessing. When men and women experience the depression that accompanies difficult life circumstances, wise counselors and prayer warriors step up to the plate to help and listen. And when jobs are needed, career counseling, job fairs, a computer room, and resume assistance become readily available to all. In more ways than one, Christian HELP brings help, hope, and even miracle to countless many, as day in and day out, lives are transformed - one person at a time.

And so, 20 busy years have swiftly gone by, with Christian HELP now celebrating its highly anticipated and lovingly prepared 20th birthday. There is little doubt that Jesus was present to guide the organization’s founders, Dick and Madge Wilson, during those important first days. As it was from the beginning, Jesus continues to lead Christian HELP’s current leadership team, along with a faithful army of volunteers, many loving supporters, and the grateful men and women who have received help within these loving walls.

God most certainly showed up 20 years ago when Christian HELP was born. It is a sure thing He will continue to be present in the days and years to come, as Christian Help dedicates itself to bringing hope, encouragement, the love of God, and prayer to Central Florida’s people in need.

God’s presence is, without a doubt, Christian HELP’s most cherished 20th birthday present. He is here and so are we, as together, we celebrate 20 wonderful years. Happy Birthday Christian HELP!

By Chris Schneider