This week we had our first job fair of the year. It was insane! The numbers are adding up to 5060 people who walked through the doors at the fairgrounds on Wednesday seeking jobs. The need is becoming even greater this year than it was in the past.
All the news of doom and gloom can be quite scary, but we need to keep our heads up! One of the best ways to stay positive is to make a difference in the lives of others. My new friend Cara Eule at HOME in Kissimmee had a great idea for helping local food pantries. Her idea is that whenever you go to your local grocery store and they have a BOGO (buy one get one) sale, buy one for yourself and one for your local food pantry.
Here at Christian HELP, we serve about 100-150 people a week with their food needs. The need to keep the pantry stocked is great. We rely totally on the generosity of others to accomplish this.
Our goal this year is to make a difference in the lives of as many people as we can, one at a time. We can only do this with your help.
Stay positive and have a wonderful start to the new year.