Yesterday we had our first job fair of the year. There were less employers than usual and still a great deal of job seekers came. For some it was a great opportunity to get in front of employers and see what jobs were available, seek other resources, and find out about educational opportunities. For others, it was not what they expected. As I walked the lines outside, some people were in a bad mood before they even walked in the door. One woman jumped down my throat because she had not received a directory yet. I went inside and got her one.
My concern is that as people become more desperate for a job, their attitudes are reflected in front of potential employers. This is not going to help in an already difficult job search. The competition is great out there and everyone has to have their "game on". Resumes have to be perfect, dress has to be professional, and attitudes have to be positive.
How do you stay positive when no one calls you back, when you have been out of a job for several months and face losing your home? When the bills are stacking up? I have to admit, it is difficult. The good news is God is in control and we can turn our cares over to Him.
I spoke to a friend yesterday who is self employed and is facing mounting bills as his sales go down. His mortgage is behind and he is looking for other options. He is a believer and a man of strong faith. He told me that he has a peace because he knows that God is in control.
Another friend is experiencing job loss, but has found that somehow her bills have still been paid.
When everything is crumbling around us, we need to draw closer to God. He tells us that if we draw close to Him he draws close to us. When it seems like there are no answers, reach out to Him. I encourage everyone to spend some time reading Romans.
Christian HELP's counselors do more that just help with a job search. We try to offer Hope. I ran into one of our clients yesterday at the job fair and she just glowed. She was so grateful for the time we talked in my office, but mostly for the prayer. What an honor it is to be able to share a moment with the Lord with a client. I could see how it affected her and it was a blessing for both of us.
These days I pray without ceasing. I know that God is in control and I have to stay positive even when things seem not so bright.