I am finding it a bit harder to ask for support as I see tragedies happen around the world. The devestating earthquakes in Haiti and Chile just tear your heart out. Images of hurting people are sometimes too much to bear. They need our support, but there is still hurt and pain here at home too.
Unemployment is at record highs and people are just paralyzed in their job search. Even well networked people are having a harder time finding a job. We saw over 10,000 clients last year at Christian HELP and we are averaging 12-15 more each day than this time last year.
The most disturbing thing is how many people come in hungry. Really hungry. We have cookies in the lobby each day and the plate is empty minutes after it is set out. A few times counselors have run to the back to get someone food just so they can talk to them about employment.
There is a chance unemployment benefits may not be extended. Unemployment benefits of just $275 a week run 26 weeks. According to the Department of Labor a job search can take an average of 33.5 weeks. What do you do in between? Throw in a health issue and it is a disaster in the making.
People are mad, they are scared, they don't know where to turn. No one gets back to them after they spend 2 hours working on an application online. They feel like a number.
At Christian HELP, we still answer our phones with a live person. We offer a warm and welcoming safe place for people to come and share their stories. We have volunteers who dedicate a day or more a week EVERY week to making sure clients are cared for. We offer Hope, Encouragement, Love, and Prayer.
Help us continue to help these clients. They are your friends and your neighbors. We have seen so many people these past 2 years go from comfortable to choosing between rent and food. Beside almost every unemployed person is a child or a family to support.
In March and April through the generosity of the Feinstein Foundation, some generous directors and donors, and Charity Challenge every dollar donated to Christian HELP is doubled; $25 becomes $50, $500 becomes $1000 and so on. Will you please consider a donation at this time.
Thank you so much for your prayers and generosity.