Thursday, February 23, 2012

Building Better Futures

This past weekend we held our first focus group, as we start to plan the launch of our capital campaign. At Christian HELP we are always seeking God's will for our next step. We are learning to think big, really big... that being said, we are in the process of drawing the dream.

I have been in several different groups where we did the pie in the sky what if money was no object exercise to brainstorm about what direction the company or organization should go. In this case, we are looking at how can we meet more needs, produce more results, and not just help people get jobs, but actually create them.

What if we had a state of the art training center? What if we had room for groups to come in and give back in a big way, what if we could teach people how to succeed with hands on apprenticeship programs, what if...

What if we had a quiet place where someone could bow their head in prayer and bring all their burdens to God...

Please pray with us for God's favor and direction as we embarq on this new season for Christian HELP. We are 20 years young and ready to meet the challenge.

In His Service,

Sandi Vidal
Executive Director