Mayor's Job Fair 2013
I am a dreamer... I can see the big picture... I begin with the end in mind...
As we finish the first month of 2013 (where does time go?), it is amazing to reflect upon all the things that were accomplished in 2012 and to reach even further this year. Amazingly, while the dreams are lofty and a little scary, it is the impact of those dreams, the personal touch, that makes my passion meter rise.
I love working in a place where people matter. We can make decisions based on what is the right thing to do. We can give personalized attention. We can make a difference for someone, and they in turn make a difference for us.
This year, we would LOVE to:
1. See out new jobs initiative grow and make an impact in the lives of job seekers, community partners, and employers. We would like to see all of our students graduate and get jobs.
2. Open a business that can provide transitional employment and provide $ back into the non-profit to help more people.
3. Have a successful building campaign so we can finally all be in one space with all of our services at one place (and have a place for everyone to park).
4. Win JobRaising... we are only $50,000 behind. You can help at It is a stretch, but we still have time...
5. Follow God's will and plan for our future :)
We appreciate the people who make this possible through volunteering, prayer, and financial investment.
The steps we are taking:
1. Engage more volunteers, community partners, and employers. Share the vision with groups, at outreach events, and with our politicians, and media. Shout from the rooftops about successes.
2. Work with local business leaders (in progress) to formulate business plans and strategies. We are in the next round for the University of Miami Business Plan contest! (Go Canes!)
3. The plans are coming together, the committee is strong, reaching out to potential investors, identifying property, and working the plan...
4. Asking for donations, telling the world our story, blogging, and leveraging social media.
5. Listening and Praying!
We appreciate the people who make this possible through volunteering, prayer, and financial investment.
The steps we are taking:
1. Engage more volunteers, community partners, and employers. Share the vision with groups, at outreach events, and with our politicians, and media. Shout from the rooftops about successes.
2. Work with local business leaders (in progress) to formulate business plans and strategies. We are in the next round for the University of Miami Business Plan contest! (Go Canes!)
3. The plans are coming together, the committee is strong, reaching out to potential investors, identifying property, and working the plan...
4. Asking for donations, telling the world our story, blogging, and leveraging social media.
5. Listening and Praying!
I heard once goals are just dreams with deadlines... so I guess we need a few more deadlines.