Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Re-Charge and Re-Energize Your Job Search Seminar

If you have not sent us your RSVP already, we still have seats available for THIS Thursday's FREE seminar for job seekers - feel free to invite a friend....
Presented by Christian HELP / Central Florida Employment Council
This Thursday Evening,  April 4, 2013 ~ 6:00-9:00pm
"Whether you are a professional, mid, or entry level job seeker, you can expect to be re-charged, encouraged and engaged. You will have an opportunity to meet up and network with other people, presenters, and helpful service providers over refreshments. Expect to be able to get back into the game after you are re-energized for your job search. We know the best way to find a job is to have help!"
 (Refreshments and door prizes are included)

College Park Baptist Church/Fellowship Hall 1914 Edgewater Dr., Orlando, FL 32804 (Located just south of the intersection of Princeton Avenue and Edgewater Drive in College Park. It is accessible from Interstate 4, Colonial Drive (Highway 50), and Lee Road)

Social Media - Who's Watching?
Christine Jacob, Manager of Client Services, VACO Orlando, LLC
Signs of a Great Résumé: How to Write a Resume that Speaks for Itself Scott Vedder, a Fortune 100 Recruiter and Best-Selling Author of Signs of a Great Résumé
"How to Wow them at the interview"? The chemistry of the interview Farnaz Namin-Hedayati, Ph.D., Doctor of Corporate Psychology Strategist and Peak Performance Coach, Center For Work Life, LLC

Reservation is Required. Seating is Limited: Job Seekers may reserve their seat by visiting the event page at www.CFEC.org and then click on the job search seminar page.RSVP Click here