Friday, July 13, 2007

Needs are up....

Two days ago I got a crisis call for a family in need. Yesterday our partner Jay Dyer who runs our "Food Rescue" program called with 10 families in need. This was in addition to the 25-30 people we see daily in our office. (Which equates to up to 100+ mouths to feed)

Talk about going into crisis mode! The needs are great, the stores we work with are still providing and we are blessed that they do, but we are experiencing a great need for more food. Many food banks close during the summer due to the decline in donations. We will remain open, but hope not to have to limit what we give out.

God is good and he will provide. We have faith!

If you are able to help us with food drives, please let us know. We would be happy to help you to coordinate it.

Thank you and God Bless-