Next week is our Harvest of Hope annual fundraiser. It is the single largest event (other than the job fairs) that we put on each year. It is our wish to be able to continue to give hope to those around us who have lost their jobs or do not have enough income to make ends meet. Sometimes hope is lost to illness, sometimes to other tragedies. Each day our counselors pray with clients and try to help them to restore their hope. Please pray about how you can be a part of this event.
We are reaching out to people who want to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors. By providing job leads, supplemental food, and other services, we can make a difference. If you want to be part of this process of transforming lives- please let us know...
There are many ways to serve:
- Volunteer your time and your talents at Christian HELP or from home
- Support us financially through one time or automatic giving
- Bid on our silent auction items or donate an item for bidding
- Adopt or sponsor a family for Christmas
- Pick up a Dove card at a participating location (Chik-fil-a, Qdoba, Centra-care, some area churches) and buy a gift for a needy child
- Donate food to our pantry
- Adopt a room (2008) and help us to finish our makeover project
- MOST IMPORTANTLY- PRAY for our ministry daily
We appreciate all of the people who make this ministry successful. God is in control of everything we do and we give him the highest praise. His word gives us the hope that we can be an instrument to help those in need find the future He has planned for us.
Call us or e-mail today - 407-834-4022