This weekend I had the privilege of judging a debate competition for high school students. They have a variety of different forums to debate or do public speaking. I have to say each time I go, I just gain more respect for the students who spend so much time in preparation for the event and demonstrate such professionalism.
During the events we have some down time where we hang out in the judges lounge. I was reading the book Same Kind of Different as me by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. It is a wonderful story of a couple who became involved with a Union Rescue Mission in Texas and really got to know the people in the program. The people at my table started a discussion on how you never know if the people asking for help really need it, how people might use your money to buy alcohol or cigarettes, and how some people just live off the system.
I agree, there are some abusers out there. We see people who sign up for more than one Christmas program or visit more than one pantry. This is not the majority of the people we see, though. We see many people who have lost their jobs or are working below their ability. They are trying hard to get back on their feet. Many do not want to ask for help. This year I had a lady call to say she did not need Christmas after all because a family member was going to help out. She wanted to make sure someone who really needed the help would not miss out.
We work with people individually to help them set goals. We follow up with them to make sure they are reaching the milestones we are asking them to reach. Some people have a more difficult time than others reaching them. We are patient, but we do outline our expectations.
The goal of Christian HELP is to help people find jobs. We provide a safe place for people to share their fears and concerns as well as a way to meet their physical and spiritual needs. We provide help to everyone without judging them. Who knows if one of us will be the inspiration or the facilitator to helping them turn their life around.
When you donate to Christian HELP, we are committed to using your dollars wisely. You are making a difference in the lives of people experiencing unemployment or underemployment and we value your contribution to making the world a better place.
As we look to the final month of the year, we ask you to prayerfully consider supporting Christian HELP financially. Just $50 sponsors a family for Christmas, $100 will; sponsor a student to go through our Jobs Initiative, $20 sponsors a student for boot camp, and $15 will feed a family of 4 for a week.
You can donate online at
Thank you for all of your prayers and support.