Christian HELP is a ministry devoted to preventing homelessness by helping the unemployed and underemployed find jobs while providing for them materially and spiritually.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
It is hard to believe that 2013 is just a couple of days away. This year is coming to a close and it is time for the list of resolutions to come out. For Christian HELP this year, our resolution is simple, it is the same as every year, follow God. He is wiser than we are, and He has a plan.
Your prayers, volunteer hours, and financial support are the cornerstone of Christian HELP. It is because of you, God's work is able to be done and His plan is followed.
The exciting thing is we are seeing His plan unfold in big ways. January marks the start of our Central Florida Jobs initiative classes. This program has been a labor of love and is coming together really wonderfully. The program is designed to empower job seekers with the skills they need to become excellent employees. There is so much great content! The end result should be job seekers getting jobs!
We have drawn the dream for our building plan and are ready to raise funds for this project. An increase in space would allow us to do more mission. Help more people, do more coaching and counseling, feed more families, and bring more people the good news of Christ. We love loving on people and they have been showing us the love too! This Christmas we received so many letters of thanks and gifts from people who had used our services. We are so grateful.
We are exploring business ideas which is scary and exciting all at once. Our vision is to create transitional jobs, a job training program, and a revenue stream which will enable us to reach even more people in relevant ways to help them to truly move forward to care for their families on their own.
We hope that you will be part of this wonderful ministry in 2013 and beyond. If you have not had the opportunity to come out and take a tour, we have one on January 7th and another on February 4th from noon-1. Email Jackie to RSVP and get all the details.
Thank you for all of your support-